Why Get Certified?

Good for the environment. Great for business.

There has never been a better time to go green! Below are some of the main reasons to become a Certified California Green Business in SLO County.

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  • It’s good for the environment. You’ll be doing your part to reduce climate change impacts by conserving your company’s and our community’s valuable resources.

  • Save money. Green Businesses implement practices that lead to cost savings in energy, water, and garbage bills; and becoming certified through the Green Business Program in SLO County is FREE!

  • Improve employee wellness and productivity. By using safe and earth-friendly products, staff members and customers benefit. And who in California doesn’t want to work for and support a cutting edge environmentally-conscious business?

  • Enjoy a marketing edge over the competition. Customers increasingly want to patronize businesses that are doing their part for the environment. According to a recent survey of California Green Businesses, 42% reported an increase in business since receiving their recognition.

  • Receive recognition as environmental leaders by your local city or county. California Green Businesses are promoted on websites, in e-newsletters, in the press, in online and print advertising, at promotional events and mixers, and by displaying the window decal and program seal on marketing materials.

Having a program like this and encouraging businesses to participate really has a ripple effect on the community.
— Natasha Prybyla, Sloco Massage + Wellness