Recycling Resources

In partnership with the SLO County Integrated Waste Management Authority (IWMA), ECOSLO offers resources and information on recycling and proper waste management in SLO County.

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Ditch single-use plastic

Learn more about how you can avoid single-use plastic and divert waste from the landfill by choosing more sustainable alternatives!


Virtual Programs

Check out virtual programs on ECOSLO’s YouTube channel. They include information about our local landfills, recycling facility (MRF), and anaerobic digester.


Free Guides

You can download these FREE posters to put up in your home or business!


Contact the IWMA!

The San Luis Obispo County Integrated Waste Management Authority (IWMA) is a public agency overseen by 9 elected officials.  They provide information and education about garbage and recycling, manage San Luis Obispo County’s hazardous waste disposal programs, and enact resource management ordinances. Their website, is your local resource guide to reducing, reusing, and recycling in San Luis Obispo County.

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870 Osos St,
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401

For the latest updates on recycling, please visit SLO County IWMA’s website and subscribe to their newsletter: