Sponsors & Partners

ECOSLO is able to offer programs that make a difference in your community because of the support of local businesses, partners, sponsors, and grantors. See all who have impacted us greatly and who we appreciate below.


Businesses & Donors

Each year we put on programs that get volunteers outdoors and taking care of our community’s natural spaces. Many businesses support these efforts through in-kind donations. We are so grateful to those who make our programs possible through the giving of supplies, time, and financial support!


As we expand our reach in the community and develop new programs within our organization, it has been encouraging to have so much support from local experts, City and County departments, and other entities. Through these partnerships we are able to create a powerful change and connection.

Event & Program Sponsors

ECOSLO holds annual events including, but not limited to; Creeks to Coast Cleanup, County Parks projects, Green Business events, Urban tree planting days, fundraisers, Volunteer Appreciation Week and more! These events would not be as successful as they are without the passionate sponsors and folks that dedicate their resources to us. We thank each and every one of you!


Many of our programs rely on grant funding to be able to carry out projects and make efforts happen. We would like to thank the grantors who included us in their funding and put their confidence in our organization.

Interested in becoming a partner or sponsor of ECOSLO? Connect with us!