Adopt-A-Spot is a neighborhood cleanup program that empowers individuals and households to coordinate their own monthly cleanups. Each team is designated an adoptable location and ECOSLO provides the necessary supplies needed to do monthly cleanups. This program is currently operates in the town of Templeton and the City of Pismo Beach.
Map of Adopted Spots
Recycle icons on the map indicate all of the locations that are adoptable within Templeton and Pismo Beach. The blue icons indicate the spot is adoptable and the green icons indicate the spot is already adopted. Feel free to click on each icon to learn about the adoptable spots! Don’t see a spot you would like to adopt? Reach out to us at to request a spot.
Ready to volunteer and adopt your spot? Sign up with the form below!
Volunteer Roles
With Adopt-A-Spot, there are two volunteer roles that community members can participate in. The Community Coordinator volunteer oversees their community and helps ECOSLO distribute supplies to Team Captains. The Team Captains organize their own cleanups each month.
Want to learn more?
Check out our educational resources to learn more about ways people can reduce their waste, why cleanups are important, how to organize your own cleanup, similar programs in SLO County, and more!