Rotary Club5 Cities ECO
We are the ECO Rotary for the 5 Cities area. Our mission, beyond the traditional Rotary values, is to focus on our local community and educate people about recycling and improving our environmental footprint.
Pacific Wildlife Care
Pacific Wildlife Care is San Luis Obispo County’s only licensed rehabilitation center that cares for injured birds, mammals, and reptiles. Pacific Wildlife Care began in 1986 after an oil spill brought oiled pelicans to our beaches. We now have a well-equipped rehabilitation center, a full-time wildlife veterinarian, a small paid staff, and hundreds of volunteers.
Outside Now
Outside Now is dedicated to connecting children of all ages to the natural world. Through deep nature connection experiences, youth gain respect for themselves, others, and the land. Outside Now has weekly programs Coyote Pups (ages 3-7), Nature Explorers (ages 7-12), Nature Academy (ages 12-19), and summer camps for all ages.
One Cool Earth
One Cool Earth believes that everyone deserves a place to grow. Our EarthGenius program powers healthy, happy, smart youth at SLO County elementary schools by creating awesome school garden programs. We focus on creating real impacts in childhood health, academics, and wellbeing using school gardens.
Mothers for Peace – SLO
This non-profit organization has spent decades concerned with the local dangers involving the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant, and with the dangers of nuclear power, weapons and waste on national and global levels. Additionally, Mothers for Peace works to promote peace and a nuclear-free, carbon-free world.
Morro Coast Audubon Society
This Society promotes the appreciation, conservation, and restoration of ecosystems focusing on the biological diversity of birds, other wildlife, and their habitats.
Morro Bay National Estuary Program
The Morro Bay National Estuary Program is a non-regulatory nonprofit organization that works collaboratively to protect and restore the Morro Bay estuary and watershed for people and wildlife.
Los Padres Forest Watch
Los Padres ForestWatch works to protect the Los Padres National Forest, the Carrizo Plain National Monument, and other public lands along California’s central coast. We combine legal and policy advocacy, scientific collaboration, field work, and education to safeguard these treasured landscapes and the benefits they provide to our local communities.
The Land Conservancy of SLO
Since 1984, the Land Conservancy has permanently conserved over 15,200 acres of land. They work with landowners and government agencies to find mutually beneficial solutions to permanently protect lands . The Land Conservancy ensures that SLO County has wild natural areas, productive family farms and ranches, clean fresh water, and stunning landscapes forever.
Greenspace – The Cambria Land Trust
Greenspace supports the environmental integrity of SLO County’s North Coast by acquiring and preserving local lands, providing community-wide environmental education and advocating for sound public policies that protect our natural resources and ecosystems.
Our mission is to create a resilient and healthy community for the residents of the California Central Coast that is environmentally and economically sustainable. We do this through educational programs that encourage people to convene, collaborate, and act.
Dana Adobe Nipomo Amigos
This non-profit, established in 1999, saved the historic Dana Adobe with restoration and Historic Landmark designation. They engage visitors with the stories of California’s Rancho Era, connecting them with the peoples, the land, and its resources to foster environmental stewardship and cultural understanding.
CreekLands (formerly Central Coast Salmon Enhancement) is committed to habitat restoration science and Central Coast watershed stewardship.
Concerned Citizens for Avila
Concerned Citizens for Avila is a group of community-minded people who care deeply about Avila. We are committed to protecting Avila’s natural environment and prioritizing safety and accessibility for residents and visitors.
City Repair SLO
City Repair SLO’s mission is to recreate the sense of village in SLO neighborhoods. There are many ways to do this but a tried and true way to do this is to get neighborhoods to meet regularly and to discuss “What is needed here to improve the health and happiness in our neighborhood?”
City Farm SLO
City Farm SLO manages the land for sustainable agricultural production, provides youth with on-site educational programs, and engages the community in the life of an urban farm.
SLO County Citizens’ Climate Education
This group exists to create the political will for climate solutions by enabling individual breakthroughs in the exercise of personal and political power.
Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary
Support the proposed Central Coast Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary. To achieve the best water quality, vibrant marine ecosystems, and to protect Chumash cultural heritage, efforts are focused on filling the unprotected gap between Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary and Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary.